Republic Day Celebrations

Hi folks.

Like last year we are organising a fun-filled Republic Day event on 26th January.

The event starts with a Unity walk at 8.30 am inside the Cantonment after which we are being joined by 15 beautiful vintage cars / motorcycles and their owners for the Flag hoisting at 9.30am being conducted by the Army Station Commander.

Lavish Breakfast / Brunch spread starts 10 am onwards in Ala-cart style.

Please do call and confirm your presence with the office at the earliest.

Notice for Extraordinary General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that an EGM of the club will be held on Sunday, 19th January 2020 at 4:30pm, at the club premises to transact the following business:

  1. To approve & pass the proposed Byelaws of the club as affixed on the notice board of the club since 04-Jan-2020 for viewing by the members
  2. To take a note of the proposal (as a one-time-offer) for re-joining of members who have resigned or surrendered their membership
  3. To consider and pass any other point with the permission of the chair

Members are requested to kindly be present on time to ensure smooth flow of the EGM.

Thank you.

Ahmedabad Gymkhana Club Management.

Come celebrate Lohri with friends & family at Ahmedabad Gymkhana

Come together for mouth watering Sarson da Saag, Makki di Roti and Gajjar ka Halwa, along with a punjabi dholi as we celebrate the festival of Lohri at the club.

The function will be from 630pm to 930pm, at the club lawns.

Lohri will be lit at 730pm.

Call the club office on 07922867161 to confirm your presence.

Cost of dinner is Rs. 300/- per person on buffet basis.