Important information

Important Guidelines & Rules to be followed by members – Club & Army rules:

Procedures at Entry points :

Procedure at TCP Gate No 1

  1. In order to avoid crowding at TCP Gate 1 & to achieve minimum interface between security personnel and club members, a person from the club shall stand outside the TCP gate no. 1 with Army’s entry register during member’s entry hours i.e. 7.00 to 10.30& 16.00 to 20.00. This person would conduct the following procedure upon arrival of member
  2. Entry in Army’s register
  3. Club members must carry their club ID cards
  4. Club members and staff can enter/visit only club premises upon entry into cantonment which would be presently only through TCP Gate No. 1. Walking in the cantonment area and use of golf course will not be permitted for the time being.There should be no interaction between club members and army personnel

Club Entry:

Our security guard will be standing at the gate of club premises and will ensure that:

  1. Only asymptomatic members are permitted to enter the club
  2. Entry of member in Club’s register by the guard
  3. All rules of safety are to be followed in letter and spirit & those who do not cooperate in following this procedure will be denied entry into the club

General Guidelines:

  1. Before  using  any  activity,  the  attendant  has  to  enter  member’s  Name, Membership No., Mobile No., time of entry and exit into each activity. Members will attend club and play at their own risk.Entry made by coach/attendant will be considered as final
  2. The club timings for members will presently timing will be 7.00 AM till 11.00 AM and 4.00 PM till 9.00 PM. Extension in timing would be communicated to members

Guidelines for various facilities:

I – Office

  1. Not more than 4 staff members permitted in the office at a time
  2. Not more than one club member permitted to enter the office at one time

II – Badminton

  1. Entry in register by coach
  2. Maximum 4 persons + coach to be allowed at a time in the badminton court
  3. Safe distance to be maintained between waiting people,if any inside the badminton court
  4. Maximum duration of each game is 45 minutes
  5. Members to carry their own rackets
  6. Members are requested to carry their own water bottles
  7. Food & Beverages shall not be permitted inside the Badminton Court
  8. Timings to be followed:

Morning: 7.15 am to 10.30 am

Time Slot                                

7.15 am to 8.00 am                                  

8.05 am to 8.50 am                                  

8.55 am to                                  

9.45 am to 10.30 am                                

 Evening: 4.00 pm to 8.00 pm

Time Slot

4.00 pm to 4.45 pm                                 

4.50 pm to 5.35 pm                                 

5.45 pm to 6.30 pm                                 

6.35 pm to 7.20 pm                                

7.30 pm to 8.15 pm     

III –  Gymnasium

  1. Entry in register by coach
  2. It is compulsory that each member must have Napkins / Towels /water bottles etc. or any personal items required in the GYM while exercising
  3. Those having oxygen saturation below 95% shall not undertake any activity
  4. Spitting,repeated sneezing,coughing inside the Gym is strictly prohibited
  5. Common exercise mats will not be provided by the club. Members shall bring their own mats
  6. Each member will have to co-operate with Club trainers, staff & management





IV – Billiards Room

  1. Entry in register by marker
  2. Maximum 4 people + marker to be permitted at a time in the billiards room. Maximum 2 members per table. Waiting members to remain outside the billiards room
  3. Each game would be of 30 minutes
  4. Room would be opened for 5 minutes every hour for the purpose of proper ventilation
  5. No food or beverages would be permitted in the Billiards room

V – Table Tennis

  1. Maximum 2 players (singles) can play for duration of 30 minutes
  2. Waiting members to wait at a safe distance
  3. Players to carry their own racket

VI – Pantry & Dining

  1. Limited menu – only hot food items
  2. Tables to be arranged 6 feet apart
  3. Chairs not be pulled from the designated places
  4. Not more than 4 people on a table

**Members can avail club facilities at their own risk.

**Ahmedabad Gymkhana Club will not be responsible for any mishap or injury to your body within Club premises.